We recognise your infrastructure challenges and skill gaps. Our mission is to provide solutions that elevate productivity and get things done.
Infrastructure asset management
We are engineers and infrastructure managers with over 15 years of experience in the industry. Our services cover the entire asset lifecycle, and we can help you develop long-term infrastructure plans that align with your organizational objectives. We believe in keeping solutions simple and tailored to your needs.
Financial and funding models
We can help you develop financial and funding models that support your infrastructure asset management objectives. We have a deep understanding of the financial aspects of infrastructure, including asset valuations, development contributions, and financial contributions.
Population and demand projections
We help you forecast future demand for your infrastructure assets based on population growth and other factors. We’ll guide you on a journey of examining and evaluating possible future events by considering various scenarios.
We offer training services to help you build your capacity in infrastructure asset management. We are training facilitators for IPWEA NZ as well as digital badge writers. We can enable your team develop the skills and knowledge you need to manage your assets more productively.
Business case development and Assurance
We are experts in the Business Case process and can help you develop or review business cases for infrastructure projects. Our team provides assurance of your proposed spends through review, giving you greater confidence in your decisions.
Time is critical, so keep it simple
We are very pragmatic and believe strongly in keeping solutions simple and cutting through complexity. This is only possible because we know our topics so well that we can explain them simply. Our goal is to help you lift your productivity and make your life easier. We do not waste time by following processes for the sake of process.
Our two founders have successfully navigated many changes in central and local government over the last fifteen years and are well-respected for their professional skills, knowledge, and experience.
The combination of their unique and contrasting skills creates a dynamic force.

Vaughn is our blue-sky thinker, who utilises his unique skill set to create positive impact through new ideas, strategic thinking and delivery. More than just a thinker, he’s a doer, testing and implementing asset management solutions.
Walter is our details man who conquers complexity with logic and positivity. The perfect balance of fresh perspective and industry insight, Walter will thoroughly investigate the project, clear the clutter, then work with you to identify your challenges and potential solutions – step-by-simple-step.


Contact us
Let’s Work Together
4 Buckingham Street, Arrowtown, Otago 9345